About Project


What is the project about?

The project „EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia“ is conceived to promote and reinforce the implementation of the Natura 2000 network in Serbia and as a tool to reinforce and support the authorities of the Republic of Serbia in the area of Natura conservation. The project started on May 27th 2019 and will be finalized on May 27th 2021.

Project goals

The overall objective of the project "EU for Natura 2000 in Serbia" is to increase the effectiveness of the Republic of Serbia in the preparation for EU accession in the area of nature protection. One of the main requirements that accession countries have to fulfill in area of nature protection is to establish the Natura 2000, a list of sites designated by each Member State in the framework of two European directives; the Birds and the Habitats directives, to ensure the long-term survival of most valuable and threatened species and habitats.

Support to the Ministry of Environmental Protection

Support will be provided to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and other relevant national and provincial institutions to establish the first list of potential Natura 2000 sites (SPAs and SCIs), together with an information system, database and GIS for Natura 2000. Recommendations will be provided for harmonization of Serbian legislation with EU Directives related to nature protection, and technical and administrative capacity improved for implementation of nature protection legislation.

  • Environment
EuropeAid reference
  • Result 1: Designation process for potential SPAs and pSCIs substantially completed, according to the Birds and Habitat Directives for NATURA 2000 Network
  • Result 2: Information System, Data base and GIS for NATURA 2000 developed
  • Result 3: Harmonization of National legislation with EU directives related to nature protection revised and completed
  • Result 4: Technical and administrative capacity for implementation of nature protection legislation strengthened
  • Result 5: Public awareness campaign for NATURA 2000 implemented
City / District
EU Contribution
1,589,100 €
Implementation period
May 2019 - May 2021
Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia and Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia
Implemented by
EPTISA SOUTHEAST EUROPE d.o.o. (RS), EPTISA Servicios de Ingenieria S.L. (ES), DAPHNE – Institut aplikovanej ekologie (SK), SIA Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment (LV)